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Pritesh Mistry

If you are looking for a realtor who has passion for real estate, looks after your interest, is prompt in his responses and drives negotiations on your behalf, than Abhishek is your man. He helped us rent/sell our home in Fall of 2016 and has become the realtor of choice for us.

His business acumen, his ability to drive deals to be win-wins for all parties involved, his calm demeanor and exemplary communication skills makes him an excellent partner to have while dealing with real estate.

As for our personal experience with Abhishek, he set aside his own interest and guided us throughout the process to clinch the best option possible for us. We highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for an advisor, realtor and a partner – all in one – during a real estate transaction. He exceeded our expectations in all areas.

I have no doubt Abhishek will always do the right thing for his clients and excel at what he does.

Thank You Abhishek !!

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