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Abhinav and Andreia Taneja

Abhishek definitely went above and beyond his job. 5 stars really isn’t enough to give it to him. We found Abhishek from our financial institution’s financial advisor when we mentioned about planning to buy our first home soon. Abhishek’s excellence is really solid and consistent. As first time home buyers, we really couldn’t be happier that we found Abhishek. Following are the things that I think Abhishek has been consistently exceeded:

1. Expertise-we all know that the quickest way to know a person’s level of knowledge is by asking tons of questions (I didn’t do it on purpose. It’s just what first home buyers do and me being myself). I couldn’t recall the specific questions that I’ve asked Abhishek but I was very impressed every time when I got the response from him. His expertise and timely response makes him really reliable.

2. Timely communication – Abhishek has so many clients at hands but I was amazed by how he was still able to respond to my emails and phone calls in a very timely manner. It’s not just about the deliver on time; it’s the accuracy of his response and the knowledge he has that really makes the whole home buying process smooth.

3. Care – this is where I really think Abhishek went above and beyond. During the home inspection, there were some minor things and they were on the fix inspection list. I was a little bit worried if they will be done on time and by a professional and would not be left behind. Surprisingly they were done in a week! Abhishek has been followed up the whole time! If we are rich enough to purchase a second house, Abhishek will definitely be our first choice! Thank you Abhishek!

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