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Abdel Aziz

Abhishek helped my wife and I find and negotiate for our first home.  We wholeheartedly recommend him to whomever is looking for a worry-free, hassle-free agent.  He was very patient, kind, courteous and understanding.  He took the time to meet with us first and understand what it is we are looking for.  He didn’t simply create a generic search but rather made sure to incorporate our wants.  He also took notes every time we went to see a house so that he can update the searches according to how our taste and priorities started changing with every house we saw.  He never pressured us into a home and always reminded us that he was committed whether we buy now or in a year from no or whenever.  He knew it was an important life decision and not one to rush into.  When we finally liked a house, he did thorough background research to make sure we put a competitive yet fair offer in.  Even after our offer was accepted there were some difficulties with the previous owners that he took personal ownership off and negotiated their resolution to our satisfaction.  Thank you Abhishek for your hard work.

Concierge Buying

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