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Do you fancy the notion of living where the ice glistens and the snow sings when you walk on it? Just remember, as magical as it can appear sometimes, it isn’t all it can be until it’s safe for your family, friends, and any snowmen that have made your property their home for the season. This means properly maintaining and practicing winter safety to ensure your home survives the snow and ice without creating issues that require costly repairs. Here are some tips to keep your home, family, and wallet protected this winter season.


Keep Driveways and Walkways Clear

Whether you hire a company to come to clear your driveway of snow or do you it yourself, it is of the essential that this is done regularly throughout winter. Having a clear driveway and walkway to access the home throughout the year will ensure the safety of the homeowner, occupants, visitors, delivery drivers, and any emergency services that need to access the property. Make sure to lay down a layer of salt to help melt away any ice and make surfaces easier to walk on, and stairs safer to climb up and down.


Remove and Prevent Icicles and Ice Dams

Icicles may look appealing, or even enchanting to children who dream of living in ice castles, but the reality is that they can break off and potentially hurt you, your family or anyone else who may be on your property.

When icicles build up on your home, ice dams can occur and cause meltwater to enter your home. This poses a real risk of mold and mildew and can damage your walls, ceiling, and insulation. Moreover, mold and mildew is hazardous to people’s health, especially anyone with existing respiratory conditions.

While it is good to seek out professional help to identify any of these problems that can occur and remove them in a safe and effective manner, DIY maintenance may be more your style. If you do attempt to remove any ice build-up on your home, make sure to wear proper safety equipment, have someone spot you and call for help if needed, and ensure no children are playing in the area.


Be mindful of body mechanics

If you have the advantage of snow removal professionals, or have your own snowblower to make for easy removal, you may avoid the pain and backache that can come along with heaving snow out of your driveway after a large snowfall. This high-intensity activity is undoubtedly a great workout, however, it can put extra stress on your heart, your back, and your shoulders as well as the risk of exhaustion and injury.

When shoveling, ensure you take plenty of breaks, stay hydrated, and retreat indoors to warm up when needed. Try to exercise proper body mechanics when lifting, using your knees to take the strain off of your back. Additionally, dress properly and be wary of slippery surfaces.