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Real Estate has been deemed as an essential service by the Ontario Government. We want you to know that we are here to help you in any way we can.

It is important to know that updated Health and Safety procedures have been implemented to make sure that we comply with the government’s regulations and that everyone involved will be kept safe.

We have expanded our marketing strategies to include (but not limited to) a comprehensive VIRTUAL TOUR with additional videos and photos of each of the homes and properties. We will include more details and attach them to each listing as well, including home inspection reports, surveys, floor plans, etc. We hope that this creates an enhanced online experience for Buyers so that they can make better choices about which homes they will book to view. Some may even purchase directly online.

We feel that these improvements will also help our Seller clients with the sale of their properties, given the current circumstances.

I am happy to provide a list of our new health and safety, listing, marketing and showing procedures upon request.

There continues to be demand for housing in Ottawa and we endeavour to find ways to help fill this need in these trying times.

I’m here to help and to answer any of your questions or concerns with the real estate market and how we move forward safely.

To check out our listings and “Coming Soon” listings visit:



I am available at:

Direct: 613-295-2456
