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Are you thinking about selling your home, but are unsure where to start? When it comes to selling, a lot of planning, preparation, and elbow grease goes into getting the “For Sale” sign planted on your lawn and inviting buyers into your home. Before listing your home, consider these steps to make sure that you are getting the most out of your investment, and that you move on to your next chapter with your best foot forward. 



First and foremost, before listing your home, make sure to do your research. What are homes selling for in your neighbourhood? What are you expecting from the sale? Wh0ere do you plan to move to once your home sells? Will you need to buy a property that fits your current needs? What neighbourhoods are you looking into moving to? Answering these questions ahead of time will help you come up with a plan that you can discuss with your REALTOR ® to ensure you set realistic expectations and get exactly what you are looking for in the end.


Initial Purge and Declutter

Even before you get your initial appraisal, doing some decluttering will help people see your home for what it really is, and not just the personal contents that take up its space. Less is more when it comes to selling your home, so ensuring your belongings are clean and organized is essential. For anything that has been collecting dust over the years or doesn’t see much use anymore, if the items are fit for donation, consider donating to an organization that helps those in need or taking it to your local second hand store.


Depersonalize and Remove Valuables

One of the best ways to help potential buyers visualize themselves in your home is by removing any personal items or pictures that remind them you are there. While doing this, you should make sure to tuck away any valuables such as jewelry or electronics. Although we like to think the best of people and assume no one would remove your personal items, it is good practice to keep them out of the way just in case. 


Fresh Paint

Apply a fresh coat of paint to the walls. Not only does the new paint make everything look brighter, and cleaner, it also gives you an opportunity to patch up any imperfections and holes to make your home appear new again. Avoid bold colours when painting your home for sale. Instead stick to light neutral tones, whites, and greys to help your space look brighter and bigger. 


Tighten Up Loose Ends

Check all door handles, and cabinet pulls to ensure everything is screwed in tightly. This is an easy fix that should only take an hour or two out of your day. Additionally, ensure all lightbulbs are in working order. If leaving things like this for a buyer to find during a walkthrough, they could end up wondering what else may need fixing. 


Deep Clean

When listing your home for sale, you need to conduct a more thorough clean than you may be accustomed to, and once you have finished, clean it once more. You want to make sure your home is essentially spotless, and free of any odour as these things can be a distraction to potential buyers. You may even want to hire a professional cleaning company to come in after you have gone through yourself; professionals have an eye for things that we may often miss (baseboards, grout, window tracks, etc.). 


Contact Your Agent

It is important to work with an agent you trust when making transactions as large as buying or selling real estate. Ensure you find someone that is well versed in the community you reside in, and with the type of property you are looking to sell. Ask your friends and family for referrals to any agents that they have had good experiences with, and look online for any other reviews. When you find someone you trust and that makes buying or selling your home a positive experience, you can’t wait to recommend them to someone. On the flip side, when you have a negative experience for whatever reason, you are more inclined to opt out of making that referral.

As a long-time REALTOR ® working in West Ottawa, most of my business is through repeat and referral service. I have had great feedback from all of my clients, and look forward to helping them again down the road, and meeting their friends and family who are looking for help navigating the market. For assistance in selling your home today, be sure to reach out. I am happy to help you begin your new journey in real estate.