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Home Maintenance, Save Money, and Increase Your Homes Value

After the crazy and sometimes frightening Spring we endured, we have all enjoyed an outstanding summer. The long days and hot temperatures have allowed us to enjoy the great outdoors. Sadly, the days are getting shorter, and inevitably Fall will arrive. 

Home maintenance is always crucial. When a home is correctly maintained all year round, you can save thousands of dollars of unexpected repairs. The value of your home will also increase. Taking preventive measures is even more critical this year, as many of us have less money available, and the future is difficult to predict.

Fall maintenance should part of your yearly plan to look after your home. First, take a walk inside  and outside of your home with a family member or friend.  Make a list of areas that require maintenance. Look at your home in the eyes of a potential buyer, be critical and make your checklist.


Outside Maintenance

Here are some areas to look for outside on your home:

  • Check the outside of the home for loose bricks, missing siding, or chipped paint
  • Check the drainage around the home, ensure the water can always run away from the house 
  • Check for any small holes that animals could use to find a warm winter home
  • Check that the garage door closes properly to keep the snow and small animals out
  • Check the roof, for loose or missing shingles or any gaps in the flashing
  • Check and if necessary, use silicone caulking around windows and doors
  • Clean the gutters and consider installing gutter guards
  • Turn off outdoor taps and inside if there is a shut off valve
  • Have your lawn-irrigation system drained and checked
  • Conduct winter maintenance of the pool and hot tub, lower the pool’s water level, unhook drainpipes, and use a cover 
  • Cut your grass and if possible, mulch the turf to supply nutrition back to the lawn
  • Remove spent annual flowers and vegetables
  • Cover the shrubs with burlap to protect them
  • Inspect all trees to make sure they are healthy and will not fall and hit your home during the Winter
  • Prepare the lawnmower and snowblower for Winter 
  • Do not prune trees or shrubs until just before the Spring growing season
  • Clean your A/C unit and cover to prevent animals from building nests  
  • Have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a professional chimney cleaner 
  • Check walkways, railings, stairs, and the driveway for winter safety


Inside Maintenance 

Next, develop a list for the inside of your home:

  • Have your furnace and humidifier checked by a professional, replace filters, a dirty furnace will burn more gas 
  • Check your home Insurance policy, with so may unprecedented terrible weather events it is best to be up to date
  • Consider getting your heating ducts cleaned
  • Check all windows and doors for a tight seal, if necessary, replace weather stripping and door sweeps 
  • Check your sump pump, check the maintenance manual, and follow the directions
  • Have any fireplace or any heating appliances that burn gas, oil or wood maintained by a professional
  • Check all smoke and Co2 detectors
  • Check and clean the dryer vent
  • Check that all air vents are open in all rooms
  • Insulate all exposed pipes in unheated areas 
  • Remove window A/C units

  Several essential tasks must be completed this Fall. However, when you have completed all these vital actions, you can unwind and have a relaxing a worry-free Winter.