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Looking for fall activities for families in Ottawa? Here is a quick but useful list so you can enjoy this fall to the full with your family …

Fall is a beautiful time of year and there are many great opportunities to get out and enjoy it with your family. Now is the time to get outside and enjoy the cooler weather before the snow falls and we will all inevitably be spending more and more time indoors.

Top Fall Activities for Families in Ottawa

1. Fall Fairs

There are many fall fairs around West Ottawa that offer a variety of family friendly activities. This can include everything from agricultural shows to midways to demolition derbies. There is something for everyone. Take some time to search for opportunities in your community and other areas close by and you will see just how much is going on.

2. Apple Picking

Apple picking is a great activity for families in September and early October. Many orchards offer other activities as well including hay rides, petting zoos, and other activities for children. Make a day of it and even the youngest family members can get involved in the fun of picking apples. When you get home, get older children involved in making pies, crumbles, and other apple treats; there is nothing more fun than eating something that you picked yourself!

3. Pumpkin Patches

All of October, there are many pumpkin patches around the city that offer you and your family to pick your coveted pumpkins for Halloween, fall décor, or pumpkin pies. Like the apple orchards, many of these locations also offer additional activities. Let your kids be involved in choosing just the right pumpkin for that perfect jack-o-lantern later in the month.

4. Nature Walks

There is nothing more beautiful than the stunning colours of the leaves changing on the trees at this time of year. West Ottawa is full of amazing trails to take it all in. Pack a lunch and have a picnic and don’t forget to bring your camera. After your walk, consider stopping into a local café for a warm drink and the opportunity to spend time talking about your adventure.

5. Family Photos

If you have been putting off taking family photos, fall is one of the best times of year for this. The beautiful colours provide a stunning backdrop and you likely won’t have to go too far from home to find a great location. You can use theses photos for your upcoming Christmas cards and most importantly, cherish them for years to come.

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