Embracing the Change: Keeping your Mind and Body Sharp
Blog • August 13, 2020
There is no doubt that change can be a difficult thing to overcome or accept at any stage of your life. For school-aged children, each new classroom comes with a sense of unknowingness; as teenagers, relationships are built and friendships are lost. Once we enter into adulthood, we face even more challenges each day as we navigate our personal and professional lives. Change is an inevitable part of being and can happen by choice, against our will, or in accordance with the times. No matter how big or small the shift in routine may be, we are forced to retrain our brains to accommodate a new practice, routine, or thought, and while it isn’t always easy, learning how to cope can become an invaluable tool.
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought forth change in a multitude of ways and we have spent months adjusting to our new sense of normalcy. Though it was not always easy, many of us have been resilient in our efforts. We now see people wearing masks wherever they go, mindfully respecting social distancing guidelines whenever possible. Parents were moved to work from home and build up a new work-life balance to suit their family’s needs, and school was canceled leaving children to adapt quickly to a Learn-at-Home model of education to finish out the school year. As a society, these changes gave us the opportunity to become more digitally literate and utilize technology in ways we may have never thought possible. The challenges we faced provided us with opportunities to learn and grow as individuals, and it was our mindset and ability to adapt to change that helped us to succeed.
By looking at change as a positive opportunity for growth, we can open keep our minds sharp, improve both our mental and physical health, and decrease our risk of anxiety and depression. Here are some additional benefits to embracing the changes in your life to help you see the positive benefits that are awaiting you.
New Experiences
Often we get caught up in the day to day simplicity of our own lives. From the moment we wake in the morning, our mind works routinely to accomplish tasks in a fashion that is familiar to us, and for the most part, we are okay with this. If we become too wrapped up in our own dull and predictable routines, we may miss out on the world around us. By allowing change to take place in our lives, we can mix up the ordinary and experience the beauty in the world around us from a new and fresh perspective.
Learning Opportunities
With change comes avenues to learn. Whether it is a life lesson, a more efficient way to work, or a new skill, learning new things keeps your mind sharp and your memory strong. Coincidently, the act of learning also enhances your ability to adapt to change, which creates a full-circle effect that allows you to grow and embrace the dynamic society we live in today.
Personal Growth
It is a fair statement to say that none of us are the same people we were twenty, ten, or even 5 years ago. Our jobs, relationships, and family dynamic are often changing and whether it be in big ways or small ways, it often has some type of effect on our life. Fortunately, by dealing with change we are allowing ourselves to grow as people. The end of a marriage could mean the beginning of a new, more positive outlook on life for someone while becoming a parent could mean becoming more aware of household responsibilities. Whatever the change may be, try to find the bright side and focus on how this allows you to grow as a person.
Having Fun
Embracing change ultimately means saying yes instead of resisting something new. Instead of watching life pass you by, riding the waves of change offers new experiences and opportunities that can in turn create more fun and active lifestyle while allowing you to be more free-spirited in nature. Next time life throws you an unexpected curveball, see where it leads you. You may be pleasantly surprised.